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AI and Python

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  1. Table of Content
    2 Topics
  2. Introduction to Python
    5 Topics
  3. Elements of Python
    6 Topics
  4. Standard Data Types
    6 Topics
  5. Code using Python
    5 Topics
  6. Getting started with Python Editor
    5 Topics
  7. Getting started with Trinket
    4 Topics
  8. Introduction to Tina Turtle to understand Python
    6 Topics
  9. Text-based coding using Trinket
    9 Topics
  10. Coding with Python editor
    9 Topics
  11. Introduction to AI
    9 Topics
  12. Activity: AI for oceans
    1 Topic
  13. Introduction to Machine learning
    6 Topics
  14. Introduction to Scratch
    6 Topics
  15. Coding Activity 1
    3 Topics
  16. Coding Activity 2
    4 Topics
  17. Coding Activity 3
    4 Topics
  18. Final Project
    1 Topic