Arduino Programming using Arduino IDE
Chapter-1->How to download Arduino IDE?3 Topics|1 Quiz
1.1 Introduction to Arduino IDE?
1.2 How to download Arduino IDE software?
1.3 Steps to install .exe file of Arduino IDE
1.1 Introduction to Arduino IDE?
Chapter-2-> Introduction to Arduino IDE3 Topics|1 Quiz
2.1 Why Arduino IDE?
2.2 How Arduino IDE works?
2.3 Explanation of default screen of Arduino IDE
2.1 Why Arduino IDE?
Chapter-3–> How to connect any board with Arduino IDE?4 Topics|1 Quiz
3.1 What are the different types of Arduino boards ?
3.2 What is USB cable?
3.3 Steps to connect board and port in Arduino IDE.
3.4 Advantages of Arduino IDE
3.1 What are the different types of Arduino boards ?
Chapter-4–>Steps to write a code in Arduino Programming5 Topics|1 Quiz
4.1 What is coding and C programming?
4.2 What is Arduino Programming?
4.3 Steps to write any code in Arduino IDE
4.4 How to open an example code in Arduino IDE
4.5 Explanation of different predefined syntax used in Arduino Programming?
Quiz-4->Steps to write a code in Arduino Programming
4.1 What is coding and C programming?
Chapter-5–>Introduction to Arduino Uno5 Topics|1 Quiz
5.1 What is Arduino and why we are using it?
5.2 Different types of Arduino boards
5.3 Explanation of Arduino UNO
5.4 Differentiate between digital and analog signals?
5.5 How to upload a code
5.1 What is Arduino and why we are using it?
Chapter-6–>Explanation of Variables and operators in programming5 Topics|1 Quiz
6.1 What are variables and data types?
6.2 What are operators?
6.3 Activity 1 : Led blink coding using Arduino IDE.
6.4 Activity 2 : Led on/ off using switch with arduino uno
6.5 How to upload the code
6.1 What are variables and data types?
Chapter-7–>How to use conditional statement and loops?6 Topics|1 Quiz
7.1 Introduction to loops and conditional statements.
7.2 Activity 3: Piano using Arduino Uno
7.3 Components Required
7.4 Circuit Connection
7.5 Coding using IDE
7.6 Compile and run
7.1 Introduction to loops and conditional statements.
Chapter-8–>How to use analog input in Arduino IDE ?6 Topics|1 Quiz
8.1 What are analog inputs and outputs ?
8.2 Activity 4: Controlling of Led using Potentiometer
8.3 Components Required
8.4 Circuit Connection
8.5 Coding using Arduino IDE
8.6 Compile and run
8.1 What are analog inputs and outputs ?
Chapter-9–>How to add libraries in Arduino IDE ?6 Topics|1 Quiz
9.1 What are libraries and header files?
9.2 Activity 5: Interfacing of Servo motor with Arduino Uno
9.3 Components Required
9.4 Circuit connection
9.5 Coding using Arduino IDE
9.6 Compile and run
9.1 What are libraries and header files?
Chapter-10–>How the Arduino Serial library performs serial communication?4 Topics|1 Quiz
10.1 What is Serial Communication?
10.2 How to do the serial communication in Arduino?
10.3 Activity 6: Interfacing of gas sensor with Arduino Uno and displaying amount of gas using serial communication
10.4 Compile and run
10.1 What is Serial Communication?
Chapter-11–>Interfacing of Dht11 sensor with Arduino4 Topics|1 Quiz
11.1 What is Dht11?
11.2 Activity7: Interfacing of DHT11 with Arduino Uno
11.3 Coding
11.4 Compile and run
11.1 What is Dht11?
Chapter-12–>Troubleshooting and Errors in Programming3 Topics|1 Quiz
12.1 What are Errors and Debugging?
12.2 Types of Errors
12.3 Common mistakes while Coding in Arduino IDE
12.1 What are Errors and Debugging?
Assessment6 Topics
Assignment 1-> Try to make a traffic light signal project.
Assignment 2-> Control the sequence of Led with potentiometer and Arduino Uno.
Assignment 3-> Distance measurement using Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino Uno
Assignment 4->Connect more push buttons in the Piano using Arduino Uno.
Assignment 5-> Alchohol detector using MQ-3 sensor and Arduino Uno.
Assignment-6-> Motion detector project using PIR sensor and Arduino UNO
Assignment 1-> Try to make a traffic light signal project.
7.1 Introduction to loops and conditional statements.

Loops are the set of instructions that are repeated until the certain condition have reached. It is used to repeat the code a certain number of times.
Let see a diagram to understand how loop runs?

As you can see in the diagram,if the test condition is true then the loop is executed and if it is false then execution of code go out of the loop.After the loop is executed it again go to the loop entry and then again check the condition and this goes on repeating.
The sequence of statements in the code to be executed is kept inside the curly braces { }
known as the Loop body. After every execution of the loop body, condition is tested, and if it is found to be true then the loop body is executed again. When the condition is false, then loop body is not executed, and execution breaks out of the loop.
There are three types of loops:
- while loop : this loops are the entry loops.
- for loop : this loop runs the statement repeatedly until the condition is satisfied
- do while loop : In this loop, some situation are in do statement which evaluates the body of the loop first and at the end, the condition is checked using while statement.

A conditional statement is a set of rules performed if a certain condition is met. It is sometimes referred to as an If-Then statement, because IF a condition is met, THEN an action is performed.
For example:
If you want to drink chocolate shake, then you go to the shop and keep a condition that if you have a chocolate shake then give to me else give mango shake.Similar way these conditional statements runs,if the condition is true then it runs continuously and if it is false then else condition runs.