Internet of Things
Lesson-1-> Introduction to IOT4 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson-2-> Introduction to Node MCU & Arduino IDE6 Topics|1 Quiz
Activity-1-> LED blink using Node MCU & Arduino IDE4 Topics|1 Quiz
1.1 What is LED?
1.2 Circuit connection of LED with Node MCU.
1.3 Code to blink a LED
1.4 How to upload the code?
Quiz-3-> LED blink using Node MCU & Arduino IDE
1.1 What is LED?
Activity-2-> Controlling of LED using Web Server5 Topics|1 Quiz
2.1 Introduction
2.2 What is server?
2.3 Circuit connection of LED with Node MCU
2.4 Code to control LED by server
2.5 How to give command from Local host to Node MCU
Quiz-4->Controlling of LED using Web Server
2.1 Introduction
Activity-3-> Interfacing of Ultrasonic sensor with Node MCU4 Topics|1 Quiz
3.1 What is Ultrasonic Sensor ?
3.2 Circuit Connection of Ultrasonic sensor with Node MCU.
3.3 Code for Ultrasonic sensor
3.4 How to upload the code ?
Quiz-5-> Interfacing of Ultrasonic sensor with Node MCU
3.1 What is Ultrasonic Sensor ?
Activity-4-> LED ON/OFF using Google Assistance8 Topics|1 Quiz
4.1 What is Google Assistance?
4.2 Components Required
4.3 What is IFTTT and how to make an account?
4.4 What is Adafruit and how to make an account?
4.5 Working of the project?
4.6 Circuit connection
4.7 Coding to control Led using Google Assistant
4.8 How to run the project?
Quiz-6-> LED ON/OFF using Google Assistance
4.1 What is Google Assistance?
Chapter-3->Introduction to ThingSpeak4 Topics
3.1 Introduction to Data Analytics.
3.2 Introduction to ThingSpeak
3.3 How to login in ThingSpeak
3.4 How it works ?
3.1 Introduction to Data Analytics.
Activity-5 –> Air quality Monitoring using NODE MCU6 Topics|1 Quiz
5.1 Introduction to project
5.2 Components Required
5.3 How to setup ThingSpeak
5.4 Circuit connection
5.5 Code
5.6 Uploading of Code
Quiz-7->Air quality Monitoring using NODE MCU
5.1 Introduction to project
Activity-6 –> IOT based car parking system6 Topics|1 Quiz
6.1 Introduction to project
6.2 Components Required
6.3 Circuit Connection
6.4 Coding
6.5 Setup of
6.6 Uploading and working
Quiz-8-> IOT based car parking system
6.1 Introduction to project
Activity-7 –> IOT based motion detector using Node MCU6 Topics|1 Quiz
7.1 Introduction to project
7.2 Components Required
7.3 Circuit Connection of PIR sensor with Node MCU
7.4 How to setup Blynk App
7.5 Code
7.6 Uploading and working of code
Quiz-9-> IOT based motion detector using Node MCU
7.1 Introduction to project
Activity-8-> IOT based Automatic gardening System5 Topics|1 Quiz
8.1 Introduction to project
8.2 Components Required
8.3 Circuit Connection
8.4 Set up in Blynk app
8.5 Coding
Quiz-10-> IOT based Automatic gardening System
8.1 Introduction to project
6.2 Components Required
1. Node MCU:- NodeMCU is an open-source firmware and development kit that helps you to prototype or build IoT products. It includes firmware that runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC and hardware which is based on the ESP-12 module. The firmware uses the Lua scripting language. It is based on the eLua project and built on the Espressif Non-OS SDK for ESP8266.

2. IR sensor :-
IR stands for Infrared sensor,is a electronic device which detects and measures the infrared radiation around the surrounding. IR sensor is used to detect any object or device in it’s range.IR sensor emits infrared rays from the IR transmitter led and if any object is in the range of then the rays are reflected back from the object and receive by the IR receiver led.IR sensor have three pins:

3. Jumper Wires :- Jumper are the connecting wires with the connector at each end used to connect different components on breadboard or any other testing boards.

4. Servo Motor:
A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration. It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback. Servomotors are used in applications such as robotics, CNC machinery or automated manufacturing.Servo Motor have three pins:
- Signal (PWM)